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Emissions: civil society calls EU policymakers to support more ambitious car and van CO2 targets

Organizations that signed the letter sent to EU policy makers underline the importance of more ambitious targets to address climate change, air pollution and to end Europe's dependence on fossil fuels. Read the letter from the 51 organizations, including the Kyoto Club.

30 May 2022

Also available in Italian  

Ahead of a vote on 7 June, over 50 NGOs from across Europe have told MEPs that EU clean car rules could help pave the way to European energy independence and make significant gains for the environment, consumers, and public health. They appeal for higher CO2 targets for carmakers this decade to speed up the transition to electric cars, which – along with fewer private car journeys and a more efficient and shared mobility system – is key to decarbonising road transport.

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The letter (PDF)

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