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Energy Efficiency First principle in practice – Report. Online survey open until 15 May

The general approach to the EU LIFE Energyfirst Plus project is to complement existing resources to plug Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle in major decision-making processes. This will be tested with pilot cases in four Member States – Croatia, Italy, Greece and Poland.

14 May 2024

The first report of ENEFIRST Plus provides an overview of recent EU policy developments relevant to EE1st, and then analyses the background in the four pilot countries for the first pilot cases. While publishing thereport, the projects has launched an online survey to collect views on EE1st, open until 15 May:

The European Union has embraced the Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle as a cornerstone of its climate and energy policies. The advocates prioritizing energy efficiency improvements and demand-side resources over traditional supply-side infrastructure, if they are more cost-effective and environmentally beneficial.


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