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Clean Cities: “Low-Emission Zones: the Essential Guide Practical solutions for city leaders”

Clean Cities latest briefing all about low-emission zones is out now. They created a quick summary of the evidence, key solutions for city leaders, and best practice examples from cities across Europe.

24 June 2024

Also available in Italian  

In this guide “Low-Emission Zones: the Essential Guide Practical solutions for city leaders” Clean Cities recommends that cities should immediately start introducing low-emission zones (LEZ) if no such measures are currently in place, and that all LEZs should have a clear path towards becoming zero-emission zones (ZEZs) by the 2030s at the latest to tackle the double challenges of air pollution and climate change.

Low-emission zones (LEZs) are areas where the most polluting vehicles are regulated. They have become a widespread measure in European cities, with more than 320 active LEZs registered by 2022 and over 500 expected by 2025.

LEZs have proven to be effective at reducing air pollution, contributing to reducing carbon emissions, mitigating congestion, and incentivising the transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs).

This briefing, by the Clean Cities Campaign, is a condensed overview of the knowledge base on LEZs, using our own research and the most up-to-date scientific publications.

It includes a deep-dive into LEZs, practical solutions for city leaders and best practice examples from cities across Europe, including:

  • Why cities need LEZs
  • What makes a good LEZ
  • How to ensure a fair and just transition.

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