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The virtual European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2020

Bioeconomy's role in the post pandemic economic recovery. The first ever entirely virtual edition of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition started on 6 July with the opening session streamed online. The e-EUBCE interactive platform and all its multimedia content will be available for viewing until September 2020.

16 July 2020

This year’s theme of the EUBCE is the role of the bioeconomy in the post-pandemic economic recovery and this is the topic that was addressed by the scientific and political keynotes and during the panel debate.
The overarching and recurring concept expressed by the full range of speakers is that domestic bioenergy can both stimulate the post-pandemic economy recovery and decarbonise the environment at the same time, if based on well-designed and sustainable biomass supply chains, as pointed out by David Chiaramonti, Polytechnic of Turin, in its scientific opening speech.
He also emphasized the strategic role that biofuels could play to contribute to fuel security and energy storage, when considering EU’s large storage capacity in the gas grid and liquid fuels tanks.

Bioenergy and the bioeconomy can be also enablers for sustainable agriculture, sustainable biomass resources can be made available in large amounts while achieving synergies with sustainable farming, forest management and the restoration of degraded lands. The panel debate also provided different expert’s views on the relation between bioenergy, the bioeconomy and what is needed to the ensure they can fully contribute to the economic recovery.

During the final debate, panelists explained also the single most important issues to attract finance to the bioenergy and bioeconomy sector.

The e-EUBCE interactive platform and all its multimedia content will be available for viewing until September 2020.


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