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“Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development”: opening ceremony

During the project "Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development(SCSD-SD)" opening ceremony, that took place in Rome today, June 20th, the theme of the contribution to sustainable development was deepened through dialogue between civil society in Turkey.

20 June 2019

Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development is a project implemented within the EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue, a Programme bringing together civil society organisations from Turkey and the EU around common topics, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to build a sustained conversation between the organisations. The Programme is co-financed by the European Union  under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). 

Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development has started on April 1st, 2019 and has a duration of 15 months. The partner organizations are Kyoto Club, Rome (Coordination) and Çevreci Enerji Derneği (Environmental Energy Association), Izmir. The associated partners are the Municipality of Karşıyaka, in Turkey, and the Municipality of Bologna, with its Environmental Sustainability Unit.

Representatives of Italian and Turkish associations and institutional representatives took part in the project launch conference: Vito Borrelli (Deputy Head of the European Commission Representation in Italy) Sergio Andreis (Director – Kyoto Club), Gaye Erkan (EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue), Mariagrazia Midulla (Head -Climate and energy-  WWF Italia), Tolga Salli (Vicepresident- Çevreci Enerji Derneği / Environmental Energy Association), Luca Bergamaschi (Senior Associate – E3G), Hazal Coşkun (Secretary General- Çevreci Enerji Derneği / Environmental Energy Association), Francesco Ferrante (Vicepresident – Kyoto Club – Vicepresident FREE, National Coordination Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency), Tevfik Binen (Informagic Ltd. – Founder – Turkey – & ITI Sistemi – Partner – Italy), Anna Bombonato (Director for Sustainable Development – – Italian Ministry of Environment), Giuseppe Onufrio (Esecutive Director – Greenpeace Italy), Maria Stella Scarpinella (Working Group “Agricoltura e Foreste” – Kyoto Club), Angela Pagano (International Senior Volunteering – Lunaria).


Gaye Erkan – EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue 
Mariagrazia Midulla – WWF Italia  
Luca Bergamaschi –  E3G 
Hazal Coşkun – Çevreci Enerji Derneği / Associazione Energetico Ambientale 
Giuseppe Onufrio – Greenpeace Italia
Angela Pagano – Lunaria 

The presentations (pdf) 

Download the presentation "Sustainale Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Develpoment" – Sergio Andreis (Kyoto Cub)

Download the presentation "Possible priorities for EU-Turkey civil society cooperation" – Francesco Ferrante (Kyoto Cub – Coordinamento FREE)

Download the presentation "Social sustainability EU-Turkey civil society co-operation for senior citizens’ rights:the Erasmus+ EURhOmeCAREproject " – Angela Pagano (Lunaria)

Download the presentation (pdf) by Tolga Şalli (Environmental Energy Association)

Download the presentation (pdf) by Hazal Coşkun (Environmental Energy Association)

Download the presentation (pdf)  "CAP 2021-2027: Environmental and climate support" – Maria Stella Scarpinella (Kyoto Cub)

Download the presentation (pdf) "The National Strategy for Sustainable Development" – Italian Ministry of Environment

Download the presentation (pdf) "Campaigns to change the world" a cura di Giuseppe Onufrio (Greenpeace Italy)

Survey "Clean Energy, not coal: citizens views of foreign investment in six countries" – E3G 

Programme (pdf)

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