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SCSD, dialogue with the italian civil society

We held a round table attended by representatives of the Turkish Çevreci Enerji Derneği (Environmental Energy Association) and members of Italian associations: the topic dealt with was the dialogue between the civil society of the two countries and the need to strengthen environmental cooperation.

28 September 2019

Climate emergency, energy dispersion, air pollution and many other challenges await the world in the coming years: according to the scientists of the IPCC, the United Nations panel that deals with climate, we must act over the next 10 years if we want to contain the rise of the temperature beyond the two degrees foreseen by the Paris Agreement.

To achieve such a result, each state must do its part. But it is also necessary that countries all over the world carry out environmental and climate cooperation practices aimed at safeguarding and protecting the climate of the environment. A fundamental action also for a country like Turkey, which in recent years has made important progress in various sectors as regards sustainable development, despite the need to make further legislative and institutional efforts to adapt its environmental legislation to the framework European.

The seminar Proposing solution for common challenges, held on 27 September in Rome as part of the Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development project, co-funded by the European Union (EU) within the program Civil Society Dialogue – V, which supports initiatives dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and experiences on issues of interest common to Turkish and EU civil society.  The workshop, organized by the two partners of the project – Kyoto Club and Çevreci Enerji Derneği (Environmental Energy Association) of Izmir – also attended by representatives of Italian and Turkish environmental associations engaged in the reduction of emissions and climate justice.

During the work, the following intervened: Eugenio Barchiesi (Kyoto Club), Tolga Salli (Environmental Energy Association), Hazal Coşkun (Environmental Energy Association) Süleyman Boşça (Energy Law Research Institute), Arsin Demir (Energy Law Research Institute) Serap Sürmeli Demir (Agricultural Law Association) Valerio Paolini (CNR-IIA), Flavia Sagnelli (Women Empowerment), Patrizia Giancotti and Roberto Pomellini (Sustainability Office of the Municipality of Rome), Tiziana Pirelli (CREA), Tevfik Binen (Informagic Ltd).

Download the programme (pdf)

Download the presentation "Understanding the quality of the air We breath" (CNR-IIA)

Download the presentation "Women Empowerment" (WE)

Download the presentation of the project "ENERJ. Joint Actions for energy Efficiency" (Roma Capitale)

Download the presentation "Network of public bodies for sustainable development" (Coordinamento Agende 21)

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