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Urban Mobility and Air Quality in 14 Cities and Metropolitan Areas (2017-2018)

"MobilitAria 2019" is the report by the Kyoto Club's Sustainable Mobility Work Group and CNR-IIA experts (National Research Council, Institute for Atmospheric Pollution), in collaboration with OPMUS, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Policies Observatory of ISFORT. Download the Report!

7 October 2019

Download the Report (pdf) "Urban Mobility and Air Quality in 14 Cities and Metropolitan Areas (2017-2018)"

The Working Group "Sustainable Mobility" of Kyoto Club and the experts of CNR-IIA (National Research Council, Institute for Atmospheric Pollution) managed to outline an overall picture of air quality trends in in the main 14 italian cities and metropolitan areas internetwining in with urban mobility policies with MobilitAria, which for the second edition also makes use of the original contribution of OPMUS, Isfort's Sustainable Urban Mobility Policies Observatory. 

The report outlines an overall picture ofair quality trends and urban mobility policies in the 14 mostimportant cities and metropolitan areas in 2017 and 2018: Bari, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Florence,Genoa, Messina, Milan. Naples, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Rome, Turin, Venice.

The study analyzes the data and trends of pollutant concentration sand the exceedances of limitation standards; a general picture of the Air QualityImprovement Plans ofthe Italian Regions islinked to these data. The analysis continues with an assessment of local urban and national policies in the field of mobility in the years 2017 and 2018. A critical look is dedicated to the portion about transport of the National Energy and Climate Plan,the recently presented proposal by the Italian Government, whose public consultation is already started with the aim to arrive at the end of 2019 tothe final version.


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