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Handbook of EU best practices on sustainable development

The aim of this handbook is to disseminate the European Union's best practices on sustainable development and climate justice, while its ultimate objective is to raise public awareness of the importance of the contribution of civil society in the EU accession process.The document mentions among the examples also the activities of the SCSD-SD project already successfully carried out.

24 January 2020

Air quality, water, waste cycle management, protection of natural capital and biodiversity, climate justice, renewable energies and energy efficiency. These are the topics on which the Handbook of EU best practices on sustainable development focuses on, edited by the partners of the Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development (SCSD-SD), Kyoto Club and Environmental Energy Association.

The purpose of the document is to disseminate EU policies, standards, regulations, legal framework, mechanisms for civic participation in the field of environmental sustainability and climate justice, providing some examples of local implementation and successful stories. Its ultimate objectives are to raise public awareness on the importance of civil society involvement and contribution in the EU accession process, improving public knowledge and understanding of the Union in particular in the environmental sector and illustrating the impact of EU accession process on citizens' daily lives.

This hanbook also cites as examples the activities of the SCSD-SD project already successfully carried out: the civil society dialogue meetings in Rome and Izmir and the monitoring activities that led to the publication of the monitoring report. The topics were selected on the inputs collected during these activities. EU legislation is constantly evolving.

The manual reflects the situation at the time of this writing – January 2020. All updates are however available online on the relevant websites of the European Commission. 

Handbook of EU best practices on sustainable development (pdf)

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