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SCSD-SD, dissemination of the project at the conference “The new paradigms of the climate transition”

At the event to celebrate the Anniversary of the Kyoto Protocol, our Association disseminated the material of the "Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development" project.

13 February 2020

Kyoto Club organized today the conference "The new paradigms of the climate transition" to reflect on how to accelerate the decarbonisation process of Italy and Europe. The event was also an opportunity to celebrate the Kyoto Protocol. During the conference, our Association disseminated the material of the Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development (SCSD-SD) project of which Kyoto Club is a partner.

Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development is a project co-financed by the European Union (EU) within the framework of the Civil Society Dialogue – V program, which supports initiatives dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and experiences on issues of interest common to Turkish civil society and EU. Sustainable Civil Society Dialogue for Sustainable Development started on April 1, 2019 and lasts for 15 months. The partner organizations are Kyoto Club, Rome (Coordination) and Çevreci Enerji Derneği (Environmental Energy Association), Izmir. The associated partners are the Municipality of Karşıyaka, in Turkey and the Municipality of Bologna, with the Environmental Sustainability Office

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