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The World of Organic Agriculture

Global Organic Area Continues to Grow. Over 71.5 Million Hectares Of Farmland Are Organic! The latest global data on organic farming worldwide in the statistical yearbook by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and IFOAM.

29 July 2020

2018 was another record year for global organic agriculture. According to the latest FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide, organic farmland increased by 2.0 million hectares, and organic retail sales also continued to grow, reaching another all-time high, as shown by the data from 186 countries (data as of the end 2018). The 21st edition of the study “The World of Organic Agriculture” published by FiBL and IFOAM – Organics International shows a continuation of the positive trend seen in the past years. The Global Organic Market continues to grow worldwide and has passed the 100 billion US Dollar mark.

Read more – read the study "The World of Organic Agriculture"


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