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Environmental Sustainability Education in the World and Turkey: Exploring Solutions for Formal and Informal Education

ELN project's final conference held on September 15, 2023.

21 September 2023

Video (TouTube) – Environmental Sustainability Education Conference

During the conference, attended by Kyoto Club, was discussed the topic of environmental sustainability education in the world and in Turkey, in order to reflect on solutions for formal and non-formal education.

The final part of the meeting, focused on the future of ELN, was organized in parallel. In a specific session, the participants discussed the steps that can be taken as an ELN at the national level. In the other one, it have been explored the possible moves to be made as an international network from a broader perspective.

The objective of the conference was to shape the future of ELN for a constructive exchange of ideas on both levels.

Environmental Sustainability Education Advocacy and Policy Document (PDF)

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