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May 24 is Italian Overshoot Day

Global Footprint Network and Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena launch Italian Footprint Calculator

22 May 2024

OAKLAND, CA, USA; SIENA, ITALY, 23 MAY 2018–If the entire human population led the lifestyle of Italians, Earth Overshoot Day would fall on May 24, according to Global Footprint Network, an international environmental research organization.

Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity has used all the resources the planet can regenerate in the entire year, as measured by Ecological Footprint accounting. The Ecological Footprint measures humanity’s annual demand for natural resources; it can be compared to biocapacity, which measures the Earth’s annual capacity to regenerate such resources. Italian Overshoot Day is calculated by scaling the average Italian Ecological Footprint per person to the global population and then comparing it to global biocapacity.


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