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ETC says countries can triple climate ambition by COP30

According to the ETC (Energy Transitions Commission), if governments reflect existing policy commitments made at COP28 and nationally and the latest technological progress in the next round of NDCs, overall ambition levels could almost triple.

11 June 2024

In its latest briefing, Credible Contributions: Bolder Plans for Higher Climate Ambition in the Next Round of NDCs, the ETC calls for industry and government collaboration to raise the ambition of the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by COP30. If we are to limit the impact of climate change, NDCs can and must reflect technical potential and reinforce existing progress by setting more ambitious targets with stronger links to national policies.  

Since the Paris Agreement was signed at COP21, countries are required to submit and ratchet up national climate pledges every five years. These NDCs, as they are known, serve as high-level roadmaps for national climate action by establishing targets for emissions reductions over 10-year periods. Success in the low-carbon transition to date has been driven by industry’s response to government targets – accelerating deployment and driving down costs. Industry recognises the opportunity in the next round of NDCs and calls on governments to prioritise delivering high-ambition NDCs which will provide certainty, unlock investment and accelerate technology deployment. 


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