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Transport & Environment: “National Climate Targets off track: six years left to course correct and avoid penalties”

Transport & Environment published the report "National climate targets off track: Six years left to course correct and avoid penalties".

21 June 2024

Also available in Italian  

By June 30 2024, EU Member States must submit their final National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to the European Commission. NECPs lay out the measures that countries designed to comply with their national climate targets set by the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR). The ESR accounts for over 60% of EU emissions, covering GHG emissions in domestic transport, buildings, waste, small industry, and agriculture. If national targets are met, the ESR will reduce emissions in these sectors at EU-level by 40% by 2030 (vs. 2005).

New T&E analysis however reveals that the EU as a whole is 4.5 percentage points off track to achieve that -40% goal. 12 countries are so far off track that, without additional policies, it will be impossible to reach their target. 7 more countries are at diverging levels of risk of being non-compliant, meaning any backtracking of policies – or even a very cold winter pushing higher energy consumption – could make them fall in the red zone.

Read T&E Report Targets off track: six years left to course correct and avoid penalties

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