Chiusura ufficio Natale e Capodanno

Il nostro ufficio rimarrà chiuso per la pausa di Natale e Capodanno da lunedì 23 dicembre 2024 a venerdì 3 gennaio 2025. A tutti i nostri Soci, lettori e partner i migliori auguri per un sereno Natale e un positivo e fruttuoso 2025.

Bandiera Turchia/UE con la scritta 'This project is funded by the European Union' in inglese e in turco

Sito web: Civil Society Dialogue
Piattaforma online: Civil Network


SCSD-SD – Sustainable civil society dialogue for sustainable development

Webinar e materiale didattico

I webinar sono stati trasmessi in diretta streaming come da programma seguente:

MODULE 1 – Air quality/Sustainable mobility

This module covers EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations on environment friendly transportation which is rested upon electricity and renewable energies rather than fossil fuels, and focuses on EU/Italian best practices and success stories regarding non-fossil urban transportation.

  • Part 1 – Air quality strategies
    GDL Mobilità – CNR/IIA F.Petracchini – Valerio Paolini, Valeria Rizza
  • Part 2 – Sustainable mobility
    GDL Mobilità – CNR/IIA F.Petracchini – Valerio Paolini, Valeria Rizza

MODULE 2 – Waste management and Water

This module covers informations about EU waste management and water strategies, plans and targets on the basis of Eu legislation on water quality (Water Framework Directive) and waste management (Waste Framework Directive) and also focuses on EU/Italian best practices and success stories.

  • Part 1 – Water quality
    Gruppo CAP: Marco Bernardi – Lorenzo Barilli
  • Part 2 – Waste management
    Junker: Noemi De Santis – Paolo Fornari

MODULE 3 – Clean energy

This module covers EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations about renewable energies and energy efficiency on the basis of EU energy strategy documents and roadmaps for 2020, 2030 and 2050, and focuses on EU/Italian best practices and success stories regarding sustainable development with clean energy.

  • Part 1 – EE EU strategies and Best practices
    Jules Cordillot, Francesco Martinelli (Schneider Electric)
  • Part 2 – FER EU strategies and Best practices
    Jules Cordillot (Schneider Electric), Chiara Marino (AzzeroCO2)

MODULE 4 – Smart cities and urban strategies

This module covers EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations on the ways which urban government should adopt in order to secure sustainable cities with better waste management systems, air/water quality, sustainable transportation and development through renewable energies, and to achieve smart cities through resource efficiency and information & communication technologies.

  • Part 1 – Smart cities: EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations
    Comune Milano – Piero Pelizzaro, Comune Milano – Roberto Nocerino (H2020 EU Sharing Cities Milano, Londra e Lisbona. Smart City)
  • Part 2 – Best practices
    Antonio Lumicisi, Chiara Tavella – SPES Consulting

MODULE 5 – Climate mitigation and adaptation strategies

This module covers EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations on the ways which reduce carbon emissions and hence mitigate global warming, and the ways which enables necessary adaptations to inevitable adverse effects of climate change, and also focuses on EU/Italian best practices and success stories regarding climate mitigation and adaptation.

  • Part 1 – EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations
    Roberto Calabresi, Eugenio Barchiesi – Kyoto Club
  • Part 2 – EU/Italian Best Practices
    Comune di Bologna – G.Fini, Comune di Milano – Pietro Nuti

MODULE 6 – Climate finance: emission trading system

This module introduces EU emission trading system in terms of its achievements and shortcomings, and promotes the participants’ understanding of the polluter pays principle as a core element of EU environmental acquis and part of EU best practices of sustainable development.

  • Part 1 – EU emission trading system
    Simone Aiello (ETS e monitoraggio Emissioni Gas Serra – Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A.)

MODULE 7 – Green and circular economy

This module covers EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations which attempt at closing the loop of product lifecycles through greater recycling and re-use, and bring benefits for both the environment and the economy. The module specifically focuses on EU legislation on plastics and EU/Italian best practices and success stories regarding circular economy in general and plastics in particular. [Video 1Video 2]

  • Part 1 – Biomass residues from rural sector and Circular Bioeconomy
    Sofia Mannelli (Chimica Verde Bionet), Vito Pignatelli (ITABIA)
  • Part 1 – Biomass residues from rural sector and Circular Bioeconomy
    Sofia Mannelli (Chimica Verde Bionet), Vito Pignatelli (ITABIA)
    VIDEO )

MODULE 8 – Environmental law

This module focuses on horizontal legislation section of the EU environmental acquis consisting of environmental impact assessment (EIA) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) processes, and discusses EU/Italian achievements and shortcomings in terms of those processes.

  • Part 1 – EU legislation VIA – VAS
    Giulia Benati – CREA
  • Part 1 – EU legislation VIA – VAS
    Giulia Benati – CREA
    VIDEO – PDF )
  • Part 2 – Environmental impact
    Giulia Benati – CREA
    VIDEO – PDF )

MODULE 9 – Natural capital

This module covers EU strategies, plans, targets and legislations for preserving natural capital and biodiversity, and ensuring that it remains viable for future generations. The module discusses the threats facing nature and seassoils and forests, and focuses the ways which Europe is protecting its natural capital through Natura 2000 and the LIFE funding initiative.

  • Part 1 – EU strategies, plans, targets, legislation and funding (including the EU funding opportunities for Turkish CSOs and Local Authorities)
    Sergio Andreis (Director, Kyoto Club)
    VIDEO )
  • Part 2 – Natural capital and biodiversity
    Davide Marino (University of Molise), Eugenio Barchiesi (International Unit Coordinator, Kyoto Club)
    VIDEO )
  • Part 1 – EU strategies, plans, targets, legislation and funding (including the EU funding opportunities for Turkish CSOs and Local Authorities)
    Sergio Andreis (Director, Kyoto Club)
    VIDEO )
  • Part 2 – Natural capital and biodiversity
    Davide Marino (University of Molise), Eugenio Barchiesi (International Unit Coordinator, Kyoto Club)
    VIDEO )

MODULE 10 – International environment, climate politics and partnerships

This module introduces the development of international climate politics from the Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement and discusses opportunities and challenges of climate action in post-Paris Agreement conditions including funding and partnership opportunities.

  • Part 1 – Development of Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement
    Karl-Ludwig Schibel (Climate Alliance Italy), Sergio Andreis (Kyoto Club)
  • Part 2 – Opportunities and challenges of climate action
    Giorgia Burzachechi (Giornalisti nell’erba)
    VIDEO )
  • Part 1 – Development of Kyoto Protocol to the Paris Agreement
    Karl-Ludwig Schibel (Climate Alliance Italy), Sergio Andreis (Kyoto Club)
    VIDEO )
  • Part 2 – Opportunities and challenges of climate action
    Giorgia Burzachechi (Giornalisti nell’erba)
    VIDEO )

This page was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Kyoto Club and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Bu sitesi, Avrupa Birliğinin maddi desteği ile oluşturulmuştur ve sürdürülmektedir. İçerik tamamıyla Kyoto Club sorumluluğu altındadır ve Avrupa Birliğinin görüşlerini yansıtmak zorunda değildir.

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