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Participation and environmental communication

The Working Group “Environmental Participation and Communication” aims to coordinate the strategic sector represented by the environmental communication and the green economy.

There are many activities that converge in the context of the green economy and transferring necessary intentions is often neither simple nor obvious. Environmental communication is delegated to that role, becoming a sounding board for environmental policies implemented at various levels. Thus, communication and education function concurrently to positively affect the behavior of the message’s recipients.

In this regard, for the coordination of this strategic sector, it is important to provide an organic-structural synthesis of the various thematic areas in relation to the respective appointments, with the involvement of the stakeholders, to disseminate best practices and eco-friendly projects.

In this direction “Ecoincentriamoci”, the green forum conceived by Simonetta Badini, which is dedicated to environmental issues, aims to enhance the virtuous actions of companies, public agencies, and citizens. This “green meeting” is an annual event to discuss various issues related to the green economy and sustainable development. Parallel to Ecoincentriamoci, the Working Group established the Prize “Italian Resilience Award” dedicated to those territories responding better to the socio-economic changes underway, preserving and protecting the environment, through synergy between institutions and individuals, which is crucial in order to implement credible prospects and declined smarty.


Antonio Ferro

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