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Sustainable mobility

The “Sustainable Mobility” Working Group wants to provide scientific and proactive support to reduce the growing burden that the transport sector has in terms of CO2. In Italy it has now exceeded a quarter of total emissions.

The key concepts for a sustainble mobility strategy are: increase the system’s efficiency, modal bilance towards low environmental impact transportation systems, diversification of the fuel sources, logistics and intermodality and traffic saving.

The objective is to analyse current trends, to map projects and propose viable sustainable mobility alternatives for local governments, institutions companies and citizens.

The WG operates with the scientific support by Francesco Petracchini (Director of the National Research Council’s Air Pollution Institute), Gianluca Brugnoni (Corrente in movimento), Maria Rosa Vittadini (IUAV Venice), Mario Cirillo (ISPRA), Mario Zambrini (Ambiente Italia), Massimiliano Curto (Turin Technical University) and Anna Donati (sustainable mobility expert:


Anna Donati


The Sustainable Mobility WG plans are:

  1. The mapping of current trends in the transport sector in Italy, with the collection of all available data on demand and offer; the social and environmental impacts; the national, regional and urban policies. The circulation among interested Members of the collected information and figures.
  2. The promotion of idalogue among the various actors in Italian transportation and mobility, starting from those which are, or are going to become, Kyoto Club Members (ASSTRA, Federmobilità, Anci, Apat, Euromobility, ICS, Isfort, Logistica, Roma Metropolitane) to compare data interpretation, experiences and projects.
  3. A state of mobility in Italy report (MobilitAria, in collaboration with CNR-IIA), to show unsustainable aspects, put forward alternative strategic proposals, with ideas and feasible innovation solutions to foster sustainable mobility and the reduction of climate emissions prodiced by the transport sector.
  4. Public debate of the report, with a national initiative in which institutional decision-makers, private and public transportation and production companies and environmental NGOs will be invited to participate.
  5. A best practises catalogue, including Italian and European sustainable mobility experiences, to be circulated both within and outside the Kyoto Club.
  6. Public events dedicated to sustainable mobility.

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